JustSayin wrote:
Its all about championships. It would not surprise me if both SAFP and ETH show up and just jog to the finish line. They getting paid either way. The Olympics are done and and the outcome of that is what determines contract/sponsorship money. It may matter to Shacarri if she wins, but not a damn to the other 2 women.
T&F has not yet found a way to make any meet outside of the Olympics and to a lesser extent the World Championships matter.
If it were any other sprinter under any other circumstance, you'd be right, but this is Sha'Carri Richardson we're talking about and T&F media and media in general will make a great deal about this.
If she wins, this will get played up like it's the Olympic final because it essentially is (considering who's running). Richardson's winning time will matter much more than what ETH, SAFP Talou or Jackson put down. If she loses and gets 2nd or 3rd, it most likely won't be a blowout, and the discussion will be about her realistic chances of medaling in Tokyo.
Whether we like it or not Sha'Carri has captured the hearts of many and the ire of others, and It all equates to tons of attention at the end of the day.