seen before wrote:
I loved the Sinclair interview. She said the game plan is to now shut it down. This is why Jerry is the best. Anyone that thinks this is the start to outdoor season will be toast in June. You can not be sharp in early March and expect to build on that until the trials without a shut down.
Who in the world thinks this is the start of the outdoor season? The Euro indoor champs are going on right now. Everyone with a brain realizes this weekend is the traditional end of indoors.
What impresses me most about Jerry is how he sets up these time trials. I always say as a coach that you want to train slow to fast. In your best races, you always feel you can go faster. Do that in practice. Do that in the time trials. Do that in everything.
But starting off these time trials slow, the guys never blow up and they finish fast and now they hit their next training block thinking they can run a lot faster.
The reality is if they went out faster last night they might have blown up. And even with a more honest event pace, Fisher probably doesn't run that much faster. But in his brain, he finished that thinking he can run way better.
The contrast of last night's time trial and the indoor 5000 in Virginia Beach that I was at really hit me last night. At the indoor 5000, the lights were set at 12:58 and 13:13 pace. In hindsight, I think that was a mistake.I If it could be re-run, I'd have set them at 13:06 and 13:20 pace at least for the first 2k.
Anthony Rotich would be feeling a little better about his Olympic steeple chances if he negative splits a 13:12 as compared to blowing up and running 13:35. Not a big deal but it does impact your mindset a bit.