After a fantastic 2015, Ben True is very bullish on 2016 even if he is a little banged up right now. Update: True has withdrawn from this weekend's United Airlines NYC Half but you can still learn about how his off-season is going.
After a fantastic 2015, Ben True is very bullish on 2016 even if he is a little banged up right now. Update: True has withdrawn from this weekend's United Airlines NYC Half but you can still learn about how his off-season is going.
The women's race was super-tight and people are wondering if Huddle should have been given the DQ. Decide for yourself.
*MB: Molly Huddle Interference? Should Huddle have been DQd for flailing her arms out at United Airlines NYC Half?
This message board thread about Huddle's finish generated 10-pages of debate. We recap the race and finish here and gives our thoughts here in the WTW.
*MB: Molly Huddle Interference? Should Huddle have been DQd for flailing her arms out at United Airlines NYC Half?
"But the nature of media in the Internet age has changed through social media and anonymous message boards into something uniquely relentless and can lead even a healthy person to some dark places."
The women's race was super-tight and people are wondering if Huddle should have been given the DQ. Decide for yourself.
*MB: Molly Huddle Interference? Should Huddle have been DQd for flailing her arms out at United Airlines NYC Half?
After a fantastic 2015, Ben True is very bullish on 2016 even if he is a little banged up right now. Update: True has withdrawn from this weekend's United Airlines NYC Half but you can still learn about how his off-season is going.
The writer doesn't think Huddle should have been so indignant about people questioning whether she should have been DQed.
*MB: Molly Huddle Interference? Should Huddle have been DQd for flailing her arms out at United Airlines NYC Half?