The 5 Most Unbelievable (Negative) Stories From The 2015 Track Season (So Far)
Before we get into our in-depth World Championship previews, we thought it would be a good idea and take a step back and think big picture about what has surprised us so far this year. Yesterday, we gave you our five biggest positive surprises on the year – The 5 Most Unbelievable (Positive) Stories From The 2015 Track Season (So Far). Here, we give you five negative surprises. We were looking for things that if we told you they would happen at the beginning of the year, you would have said to us, “No way. That’s crazy.”

A Brief History of Intersex Athletes in Sport
Caster Semenya was a big story in 2011. Dutee Chand is a big story this year, and maybe Margaret Wambui? Some people are under the misconception that these are isolated incidents. They are not. A guest column on the intersex issue facing women's sports, by a former 2:23 men's marathoner who is now a multi-time national champ as a woman.