TV/Streaming Information for 2022 European Athletics Championships
August 12, 2022
The 2022 European Athletics Championships will be held August 15-21 in Munich, Germany. Below you will find information on how to watch the meet.
In the Americas & Asia: You can stream the meet online on Youtube or via Eurovision.
In Europe: Here, courtesy European Athletics, are the rightsholders in the following European countries. You should also be able to stream on Eurovision.
- ORF (Austria)
- RTBF & VRT (Belgium)
- BNT/BNR (Bulgaria)
- HRT (Croatia)
- CYBC (Cyprus)
- CT/CR (Czech Republic)
- DR (Denmark)
- ERR (Estonia)
- YLE (Finland)
- France Televisions/SRF/RFI (France)
- ARD & ZDF (Germany)
- ERT (Greece)
- MTVA (Hungary)
- RUV (Iceland)
- RTE ( Ireland)
- RAI (Italy)
- LT/LR (Latvia)
- LRT (Lithuania)
- NOS (Netherlands)
- NRK (Norway)
- TVP/PR (Poland)
- RTP (Portugal)
- RTR (Russia)
- RTS (Serbia)
- RTVS (Slovakia)
- RTVSLO (Slovenia)
- RTVE (Spain)
- SVT/SR (Sweden)
- SRG-SSR (Switzerland)
- TRT (Turkey)
- BBC (United Kingdom)