Since muir has run 3:55 and she's believed to be clean, can we conclude that the some of the athletes faster than her are clean as well? Like kazinka.
Since muir has run 3:55 and she's believed to be clean, can we conclude that the some of the athletes faster than her are clean as well? Like kazinka.
Muir is now a doper. What a shame. I was hoping she could run slower so I could continue to recognize her as a champion. Now that she has run this fast I know that she is a doper and a failure. I hope that Rowbury or Muir or Simpson can fall back over 4:00 so that I can root for them again.
Who the hell beleives Muir is clean? Not me.Basically, any woman who runs under 3:58 or so is dirty. Or any woman who is slower than 4:05, then runs under 4:00.
Flop flop flop wrote:
Since muir has run 3:55 and she's believed to be clean, can we conclude that the some of the athletes faster than her are clean as well? Like kazinka.
kcufkcuf wrote:
Wow, until now I wanted to believe that English-speaking Caucasians didn't use drugs. I was wrong.
sprinthard wrote:Muir schooled them. That was awesome! 3:55!
With the right pacing, competition and adrenaline, 3:55 is very doable. Same with sub 3:30 for men.
In any case, muir's improvement has been dramatic as well.
asdfdgjdfgrg wrote:
3000m really seems to be the best distance for Hill.
Can he hurdle?
[got to think he and Jerry have at least raised the subject]
Track fans have known this for a long time: there are absolute limits of human performance and anything faster than that is cheating. There is no question that the people with the best genes have decided to run track, have trained perfectly, have achieved 100% of their capabilities, and that there is no possible room for improvement ever. We reached that level for men on June 9, 1965 when Michel Jazy ran 3:53.6. Sadly, Jim Ryun ran 3:51.3 thirteen months later--the first in a long line of obviously doped times. For women,we reached it when Elizabeth Atkinson ran 6:13 in June 1921. Even more sadly, there are thousands of women--all obvious dopers--who break that time on a daily basis.
Can't imagine Jenny is a fan of that, the way she dogs her all the time is contemptible, typical robotic running of Rowbury though; she doesn't have the guts to run from the front, it's not as if she's hanging off the leader in a race to kick home. Looks like cowardice every time
gaglrsg777 wrote:
poor sports and sore losers wrote:Jenny Simpson fans are poor sports and sore losers!!!!!!!!!!
No, you're absolutely wrong there. It's Rowbury that is the problem. Her coach is a past drug cheat, her team and teammates are being invested for drug use. Nobody is upset Muir beat Simpson. It's Rowbury who people have a problem with. If she truly cared about clean sport she would have left Salazar by now. But she never ran under 4:00 in the 1500 until Salazar. Therefore, between her enhanced performance since joining NOP, her coach, and her teammate/s are why many fans and athletes don't support her. She needs to get out of bed with them if she wants to be respected as a clean athlete. Not rocket science here why Rowbury isn't liked by many. It has NOTHING to do with Jenny Simpson. Shannon Rowbury owns this all by herself. She can blame no one but herself.
Almost forgot, her ridiculous clown makeup doesn't help either
So what we've learned from Paris in 2016 and Monaco in 2015 is that the past two times these two have raced at a fast pace, Shannon has come out on top!
I hope Shannon remembers this in the future
Says the D2 guy with the 3:57 1500 PR.
kcufkcuf wrote:
Who the hell beleives Muir is clean? Not me.
Basically, any woman who runs under 3:58 or so is dirty. Or any woman who is slower than 4:05, then runs under 4:00.
Flop flop flop wrote:Since muir has run 3:55 and she's believed to be clean, can we conclude that the some of the athletes faster than her are clean as well? Like kazinka.
Muir's progression is more suspicious than Dibaba's.
This^^ wrote:
gaglrsg777 wrote:No, you're absolutely wrong there. It's Rowbury that is the problem. Her coach is a past drug cheat, her team and teammates are being invested for drug use. Nobody is upset Muir beat Simpson. It's Rowbury who people have a problem with. If she truly cared about clean sport she would have left Salazar by now. But she never ran under 4:00 in the 1500 until Salazar. Therefore, between her enhanced performance since joining NOP, her coach, and her teammate/s are why many fans and athletes don't support her. She needs to get out of bed with them if she wants to be respected as a clean athlete. Not rocket science here why Rowbury isn't liked by many. It has NOTHING to do with Jenny Simpson. Shannon Rowbury owns this all by herself. She can blame no one but herself.
Almost forgot, her ridiculous clown makeup doesn't help either
JS fans are poor sports and sore losers and white trash
kcufkcuf wrote:
Wow, until now I wanted to believe that English-speaking Caucasians didn't use drugs. I was wrong.
sprinthard wrote:Muir schooled them. That was awesome! 3:55!
The Scotts have had an incredible two years. Hawkins, Butchart, and Muir are putting up outstanding performances. Are there other Scottish athletes that I'm not aware of? I usually don't pay attention to the Scottish/British/UK/Commonwealth distinction.
They all seem to have different coaches, but the Scottish athlete seems to use the same training locales. Muir and coach Andy Young were in Font Romeu. Butchart (coached by Derek Easton) had also trained there, along with several other UK athletes (Hawkins headed to Boulder CO).
The reason I bring that up is because we are still in the dark about the three UK athletes training in Kenya for whom a doctor was arrested for facilitating doping...
I'm not as suspicious of breakout performances or breakout seasons as I am by transformations. Inconsistency along the way is also a little more indicative of more human, less alien, physiology. For example. comparing Makhloufi's breakout from an also-ran to Olympic Gold is not as suspicious as the fact that it was really a total transformation from also-ran to world's best for four seasons in a row. Compare that to Mo Aman, for example, who has run well, but also runs pretty poorly, often. His breakout seasons were just that- breakouts- without a total transformation that continues and continues.
Muir has had three good seasons, and two great ones, and hasn't really shown inconsistency in ability. If she spent 2017, 2018, and 2019 struggling (and not making a miraculous comeback for Tokyo), this current peak would seem more plausible. If she runs between 3:53 and 3:57, even though that "shows an even progression", her career will look more and more alien.
gaglrsg777 wrote:
blah blah blah Rowbury
Simpson is a dirty rotten drug user roid rage gender cheat.
Flop flop flop wrote:
Since muir has run 3:55 and she's believed to be clean, can we conclude that the some of the athletes faster than her are clean as well? Like kazinka.
Kazinkina was an awesome runner and a top notch competitor.
The jealousy comes from racism, radical nationalism and prejudice.
What do you take issue with?
People pointing out that she experienced suspicious improvement since joining Salazar, or pointing out that her makeup looks clownish?
Look, I used to be a Rowbury fan. The only thing that bothers me about her is that it appears to me that she keys everything off of Jenny. Also, she doesn't ever appear to go for it. She always seems like she's racing for 3rd.
Also, just to be clear, this has nothing to do with who she is or what type of a person she is. I'm sure Shannon is a lovely person and wish her only the best. I only judge her track persona.
This^^ wrote:
What do you take issue with?
People pointing out that she experienced suspicious improvement since joining Salazar, or pointing out that her makeup looks clownish?
Look, I used to be a Rowbury fan. The only thing that bothers me about her is that it appears to me that she keys everything off of Jenny. Also, she doesn't ever appear to go for it. She always seems like she's racing for 3rd.
Also, just to be clear, this has nothing to do with who she is or what type of a person she is. I'm sure Shannon is a lovely person and wish her only the best. I only judge her track persona.
I take issue with the unfounded character assassinations and cyber bullying about her appearance.
Algonquin wrote:
Track fans have known this for a long time: there are absolute limits of human performance and anything faster than that is cheating. There is no question that the people with the best genes have decided to run track, have trained perfectly, have achieved 100% of their capabilities, and that there is no possible room for improvement ever. We reached that level for men on June 9, 1965 when Michel Jazy ran 3:53.6. Sadly, Jim Ryun ran 3:51.3 thirteen months later--the first in a long line of obviously doped times. For women,we reached it when Elizabeth Atkinson ran 6:13 in June 1921. Even more sadly, there are thousands of women--all obvious dopers--who break that time on a daily basis.
Sweetheart, you are out of your mind. Google, "How Do I Get A Clue?", because you sound like someone who could really use one.
Algonquin wrote:
Muir's progression is more suspicious than Dibaba's.
4:07.76 Birmingham 30 Jun 13
4:02.91 Hengelo 8 Jun 14
4:00.07 Paris 5 Jul 14
3:58.66 Monaco 17 Jul 15
3:57.40 Oly Park 22 Jul 16
3:55.22 Paris 27 Aug 16
Her 800 time has been pretty constant since 2013, when she ran 2:00.8x three times.
DOB: 9 May 1993