The Ultimate Betting Guide For Paris Track and Field / Athletics Action

A regular LetsRun visitor and Supporters Club member who is planning on betting multiple hundreds of thousands at the Olympics recently hired myself and Jonthan Gault for a consulting project. He asked us to go through all of the track events at the 2024 Paris Olympics and come up odds. For each event, we were given a spreadsheet and told to put down each runner's individual odds and have them add up to 100%.

He wanted to see if his own internal odds were similar to our own. If his odds lined up with our odds but those odds differed from those what the sports books are offering, then that's where he wanted to bet - and bet a lot. Now that he's got his major bets down - and swung the odds significantly in many instances (he believes he bets more on track and field than anyone in the world) - he's given us permission to share our odds with his fellow Supporters Club members.

Supporters Club members, here are the odds.

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A regular LetsRun visitor and Supporters Club member who is planning on betting multiple hundreds of thousands at the Olympics recently hired myself and Jonthan Gault for a consulting project. He asked us to go through all of the track events at the 2024 Paris Olympics and come up odds. For each event, we were given a spreadsheet and told to put down each runner’s individual odds and have them add up to 100%.

He wanted to see if his own internal odds were similar to our own. If his odds lined up with our odds but those odds differed from those what the sports books are offering, then that’s where he wanted to bet – and bet a lot. Now that he’s got his major bets down – and swung the odds significantly in many instances (he believes he bets more on track and field than anyone in the world) – he’s given us permission to share our odds with his fellow Supporters Club members.

Supporters Club members, here are the odds. If you do gamble, please don’t gamble more than you can afford to lose.

Article continues below player.

*Spreadsheet here

click for full spreadsheet
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