Jakob Ingebrigtsen Is Getting Married on Saturday – Here’s What It Will Be Like

The world’s fastest miler — Jakob Ingebrigtsen — will get married this weekend in his native Norway and an article by journalist Kjetil Flygind in Norway’s Stavanger Aftenblad newspaper has all the details on the nuptials.

Jakob’s article is one of the most popular of the day on the Norwegian newspaper’s website

The article starts with a quote from Ingebrigtsen’s fiancée Elisabeth Asserson, who says, “I found the venue, the church, I basically found everything. He gets to show up and say yes. So, I hope he has a good speech in store.”*

Here are the details of the wedding.

What: The wedding of Elisabeth Asserson and Jakob Ingebrigtsen. Asserson and Ingebrigtsen met when they were 16 years old and Jakob proposed in 2021. The couple wanted to have an “American-style” wedding with five bridesmaids and five groomsmen.

When: The wedding and reception are on Saturday, September 23, 2023, but there also will be an event for wedding guests on Friday.

Where: The two are getting married at the Bragernes Chuch, which was consecrated in 1871, in Drammen, Norway. The church is a little over 40 miles southwest of Oslo and is on the other side of the country from Jakob’s hometown of Sandnes, almost 400km away. Asserson knew about the church before they were even engaged as one of her grandmothers was from Drammen.

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The post-wedding party will be held in the ballroom at Børsen Festlokaler, not far from the church.

How many: 120 guests are expected to attend. The article doesn’t mention anything about who the guests are or anything about whether Jakob’s estranged father will attend.

Honeymoon: The newlyweds will go to the Maldives on their honeymoon. The bride-to-be reveals she’s almost looking forward to the honeymoon more than the wedding, saying, “I imagine there will be some touching days there, when we realize what Jacob has accomplished in the season, the wedding and that the house will soon be finished. I’m really looking forward to it.”

Post-honeymoon plans: The couple’s new home in Lura (just 3 km from Sandnes) is almost finished.

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Other tidbits: The article also reveals that Asserson has taken on a more central role in Ingebrigtsen’s career in recent years.

“She contributes to a more relaxed everyday life and approach to travel, so that everything is a little more optimized. Then I’m not just alone with my own head and stressing about what’s going on. I unwind and get help with what she brings. She is important,” said Jakob Ingebrigtsen.

The article says Asserson works full-time in social media — we’re not sure if that means Jakob’s social media or another job — and shows a picture of her pacing him on a bike during an indoor track workout.

The article includes photos of the engagement ring, ballroom, wedding invites and more. You can subscribe for a month for a small fee — either $1 or 1 Norwegian krone, which is like 10 cents (we’re not sure what currency it was in).

MB: Jakob Ingebrigtsen is getting married on Saturday – here are the details.


Much was made about how Jakob Ingebrigtsen ran a beer mile as part of his bachelor party festivities earlier this week. Well Jakob’s fiancée had her own bachelorette party six weeks ago and it looks like a lot of fun from her Instagram photos.

*The quotes all come from the Microsoft translation service

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