Big Ben is just a sloppy mess. He’s a jealous mess and should work on being a faster runner.
Big Ben is just a sloppy mess. He’s a jealous mess and should work on being a faster runner.
KraftMacAndCheese wrote:
too many Nike shills here wrote:
Lots of Nike supporters/apologists in this thread. Way more than there ought to be. Nike is complete garbage and the loss of NOP is a step forward for clean track and field.
It has to be Nike employees. They are all over the boards here on LetsRun doing damage control.
No they’re not. Stop thinking that Nike or anyone else cares at all about LetsRun.
Pleeease stop wrote:
No they’re not. Stop thinking that Nike or anyone else cares at all about LetsRun.
I have no idea if Nike PR people are on this thread but Nike definitely cares about what is said on LetsRun.
1) Alberto Salazar's lawyer sent us a letter asking the identities of over 100 posters.
2) I was told that part of Nike interns jobs was to surf our forums.
3) Rojo told a story on our podcast last week how when he first showed up at Cornell in 2002 that he was told Alberto Salazat did not like him because of what people said on here about doping and Athletics West. You can here that segment by clicking on the link below and listening for 40 seconds not only gets over a million visitors a month, it's the most influential people in running, the fastest guy/gal in each town, the coaches etc.
Pleeease stop wrote:
KraftMacAndCheese wrote:
It has to be Nike employees. They are all over the boards here on LetsRun doing damage control.
No they’re not. Stop thinking that Nike or anyone else cares at all about LetsRun.
My opinion has changed on NOP a lot in the last few weeks. 2015 I thought it was a doping ring. Well that's clearly not the case, and now it just looks like a witch hunt. The tone of everyone on their soap box has made me made switch camps, the irrationality behind all of it. People like Rosario... JOKE all these sub elites posting on twitter and IG pretending like they were directly impacted... JOKE, quit running get a job.
It seems as though most people just read the head line " Salazar banned for 4 years" and made a judgment without actually understanding the facts which after 4 years is basically worthless and told us NOTHING.
illinoisjones wrote:
Ben Rosario = weak. Only a weak coach would insinuate that an athlete from another training group/sponsor is dirty. Imagine a coach at the high school level or collegiate level called out an athlete from another more superior program, the coach would be seen as weak. Ben Rosario is wasting his time trying to destroy the character of one of the best American distance runners of all time, at the expense for not being able to produce a runner half as good as Galen Rupp. I fully expected Hoka One One affiliated NAZ elite to be a bunch of complainers, just like BTC, and other track clubs. As a coach for Hoka One One's most respectable training group, Rosario needs to represent his brand better.
What’s your 10K PR
Pleeease stop wrote:
KraftMacAndCheese wrote:
It has to be Nike employees. They are all over the boards here on LetsRun doing damage control.
No they’re not. Stop thinking that Nike or anyone else cares at all about LetsRun.
Nike posts here all the time. Wejo could (and has, and may now again) look up where these comments are coming from geographically. It is not news that they use this tool to shape public opinion. In fact, they will comment on this post.
excuder. wrote:
NERunner053 wrote:
Ya'll can't be serious in thinking that AlSal was looking up doping short cuts with no intention to use what he found on the athletes he works closest with. Smh.
Good on Ben for saying what others won't. NAZ is super likable. Their athletes all seem to work hard and do things the right way. AlSal get his ban and the response is to chew out Ben for giving a super reasonable take.
They are all very likable except for Steph Bruce .
Did you know she is a mom?
I’m a fan of the sport and Galen and Alberto.
Rupp is the best US GOAT. Our best marathoner is also a 3:50 miler, sub 13, sub 27 guy! He’s got the sub 2:05 tools to work with....Medals, competitiveness, range, with the exception of this last injury he’s been pretty much indestructible his whole career.
Alberto is one of the GOAT coaches of all time in the world. Has any other coach had athletes win Olympic gold in the 1500, 5000, 10000 and bronze in the ‘thon? Incredible! And Alberto was a tremendous competitor. Watch his old races on YouTube. He was out there grinding out every ounce of physicality.
It’s disappointing so many posters and competitors have such a hard on for Al Sal being busted. Track is ruining itself with these witch hunts. At the end of the day sports is entertainment, not some noble endeavor that has to be “pure.”
My opinions are not affiliated with Nike in any way but if Nike would like to pay me I’m all open.
When Al's lawyer sent you the request for user inf did you send him user inf?
Still three minutes faster than every other American you dumb piece of sh1t
Jerry Maguire wrote:
Pleeease stop wrote:
No they’re not. Stop thinking that Nike or anyone else cares at all about LetsRun.
My opinion has changed on NOP a lot in the last few weeks. 2015 I thought it was a doping ring. Well that's clearly not the case, and now it just looks like a witch hunt. The tone of everyone on their soap box has made me made switch camps, the irrationality behind all of it. People like Rosario... JOKE all these sub elites posting on twitter and IG pretending like they were directly impacted... JOKE, quit running get a job.
It seems as though most people just read the head line " Salazar banned for 4 years" and made a judgment without actually understanding the facts which after 4 years is basically worthless and told us NOTHING.
BREAKING: Ben Rosario is a spineless opportunist.
smhhh wrote:
So Rosario wants Rupp to be punished for doing nothing?
This site is abhorrent in its treatment of black African runners. Citing anyone with an above average portfolio as a doper. Rupp’s coach was just banned for 4 years for dipping. It’s not beyond the scope to therefore insinuate that Rupp has doped.
My view is that he is dirty. Very dirty. Which is doubly embarrassing as he’s super slow too. I am looking forward to Mo smashing him.
It’s akin to a Canadian football league coach commenting on Bill Belicheck.
It sure as hell *looks* like a GIGANTIC proportion of the posts on these threads are from Nike employees. (Or else an even greater proportion of your posters are morons than it already seemed --and are morons in a remarkably Nike-slanted fashion.)
I would think you guys would be awfully *embarrassed* by this, and would want to make some effort to police it at least a little,... instead of allowing your site to be used as a mouthpiece for corporate propaganda.
But I guess you're not --which is really freaking sad.
Not everyone is as interested in a witch hunt as you are.
all this al salazar, rupp, farah stuff is absolutely ridiculous.
suddenly the idiotic iaaf, corrupt wada, ustaf etc. decide to call a spade a spade.
everyone knew what was going on years ago.
there is no news here.
the only news is that somehow you have to hear the news from the corrupt ruling authorities.
authorities who turn a blind eye to doping whenever it is convenient.
now, everyone is making ahole alsal out to be the devil reincarnate. he's in the grey area, somewhere between heaven and hell. not satan. just part time victim.
sure sal has got a warped perception of fair play.
meanwhile he found very soft peds that worked to combat and win against hard core PEDs.
and NOP brass, these guys are truly satan pupils. they will do anything for the bottom line.
meanwhile everyone cries foul. and nothing is said about Nike and their slave factories in Asia. where mothers work their
butts off in crap conditions. no one cares about that. but everyone cares about extra amino acids injected by alsal.
you people are sick, with your wacko proprieties.
Not affiliated with Nike in any way (actually grew up in Flagstaff and tend to be a fan of NAZ elite) but I think that the comments by Ben, and multiple other pro athletes, are unprofessional and uninformed. USADAs statement enforces the fact that NOP athletes are clean, and there is no evidence that any of them committed doping violations.
Go Galen and Jordan.
autospell is the work of satan
hell ya, go rupp, jordan,
they're like 2 beers into a DUI
equals support.