I don't think Bolt or Gaflin could do it. Have they drug tested him?
I don't think Bolt or Gaflin could do it. Have they drug tested him?
IGF-1 lr3 peak peak cycle .
and peak stride frequency.
why would he look jacked on this stuff.
like seeing with other athletes at moment peak only lasts short time especially higher push and longer need to back off till up again .so mighten hit same range again
tis season.
will be like gay ,as cant compete with bolt
and his stride length unless can dope free.
does wind assistance aid sprinters with
higher stride frequency more.
think a little wrote:
Test Him NOW!!!!! wrote:Test Him Now!!!!
For what? Testosterone?
His build doesn't exactly scream "steroids" does it? He doesn't look more than 160-165 pounds!
Which makes sense, since just two years ago he was listed at 150 and probably lighter than that:
agreed, he is not a bodybuilding powerhouse like Galen Rupp.
This young man is obviously ON something(s).
guy is doping no doubt
yeppers wrote:
what in the... wrote:Who IS this guy??
Sure they were wind-aided, but goodness...
I think it's safe to say that when the favorite gets beaten (blown-away) and by someone who runs NCAA all-time fastest (though wind-aided) in 2 events within an hour, then something is fishy. SOMETHING IS FISHY!
He doesn't look fishy. His musculature is slight and soft, even softer than Calvin Smith. He has great turnover, something you are born with. Technique, turnover, staying calm, those are things drugs can't supply.
mentioned peptide that will
increase natural Turnover......
nervous system mediated at peak cycle.
wind aids sprinters that have
higher stride freqeuncy more .
Ben Johnson proved that ALL Canadians and ALL Jamaicans will dope ALL of the time - no exceptions. End of story. Lets the chips fall...
There is a chemical revolution going on in the American scene. Some of the performances of late have been incredible in both sprints and distances. Five years from now we will read the truth about it.
Some interessant articles about sprinting and sports in genral culd be find in this web
I expect some of them like you
Joplas wrote:
There is a chemical revolution going on in the American scene. Some of the performances of late have been incredible in both sprints and distances. Five years from now we will read the truth about it.
interesting take. Degrasse now trains at Altis world, supposedly one of the last safe havens for drug free athletes. However some of their athletes recently have posted some impressive times, Wilfried koffi with a new NR/PB 10.01, Ameer webb 19.91 wind legal and Jose herrera with a pb 20.17... clean or not?