Collin wrote:
Who gives a shit about all of this?
Skinny white distance runners. Its a big, no, HUGE deal to them.
Collin wrote:
Who gives a shit about all of this?
Skinny white distance runners. Its a big, no, HUGE deal to them.
Skinny ... white ... distance runners.
Exactly who do you think visits LetsRun, or for that matter, who's running the race itself?
There's a really unusual wave of elitism and anti-elitism on both sides that makes a lot of people really, really hate the Boston Marathon - that's sad. You should just understand that it's a big deal to some people, like a bush league mid-April tri-meet, or your local gem marathon, or your meaningless 5k PR are to you.
I personally think this is an issue because of the very real prospect of increased security at the race - what he hell are they going to think up to deal with bandits ate MANY marathons - because the runners either paid hundreds of dollars or raised thousands to run the race, and because these twerpy college kids feel entitled to run a race they haven't earned a place in yet.
If it's so easy to qualify, or to raise money for a charity (neither of which are true for a huge portion of the population), then do it.
Marathons are massive events, that cost lots of money to put on. What is it about these bandits that makes them feel entitled to run the race for free?
Even worse, they blog about the HORROR of being expected to run qualifying times, and pay to attend an event that happens in their own city.
I would never expect to attend a football game, concert festival, or any other large production for free. But races? God forbid these little leeches train for a qualifier and pay their entry fees like everyone else...
Could this possibly be the head'bandits' .....
Hamm??? and Serafini????
how sad will it be if it turns out that the bandits are former college athletes who could have got qualifying times if they wanted to put the work in,
the worse kind of cheating is when you cheat yourself out of the satisfaction
'real' runners should know that .. sad
Definitely looks like Jordan Hamm.
Bad Goatee guy looks like Ryan Kiracofe
so in this picture on far right guy in blue, the person to his left (in his picture) has bib # that has 85 in it too, coincidence?
I had a bid for the first corral several years ago. Sold it for 1200 bucks. The only negative thing about it was the 5:30 time I get credited for.
Keep in mind when you guys try to ID these people (although I have no idea what that accomplishes) not to assume it's them before you know anything. On the deadspin article someone ID'd the wrong girl and people sent her really nasty emails and phone calls and said bad things about her business. She doesn't even run. Internet mob justice can suck pretty badly sometimes.
so if you look at the marathon photos of 14285 and see the girl with "Lauren"
she is hugging it out with #15487 Sharon Snyder Lafayette IND and #15443
interestingly 15443 does not come up in searchable results
To be clear: Ms. Snyder is legitimately in the race and results.
she works at a running store?
so somebody ask Ms. Snyder who was wearing #14285 and hugging her named Lauren
bib 15443 is registered to Lindsay Sellers 36 of Calif.
girl in picture does not look 36
guess what: if you check the marathon photos for bib 14825 under Bonneau you see bib 15487 registered to Snyder, but lo and behold and surprise if you check the marathon photos for bib 15487 registered to Snyder you see a different person with that bib #
I'm done looking at this, my faith in humanity is dissipating. Poor Ms. Snyder and Ms. Bonneau have ben taken advantage of here as have everyone else.
to give an idea of how rampant this all is look at this:
person justs posts and advertises herself as capable of ensuring you qualify for next year too:
Who cares? 4 people of out 30K bandited.
so the girl in bib 15443 seems to be wearing llyc texas flag shorts
google llyc and boston marathon
so Flutie "wakes up" Sunday and decides he'd like to run Monday, must be nice
no rules for the rich and fame wrote:
so Flutie "wakes up" Sunday and decides he'd like to run Monday, must be nice
thats what you get for being Doug Flutie and going to BC.