Kevin haha this guy has been trolling on letsrun for years.
Kevin is a made-up person. The person behind Kevin is the same person behind Douglas Burke and a few other LetsRun personas. A bit creepo with with the ladies perhaps.
Kevin haha this guy has been trolling on letsrun for years.
Kevin is a made-up person. The person behind Kevin is the same person behind Douglas Burke and a few other LetsRun personas. A bit creepo with with the ladies perhaps.
i did like this quote from him on his blog though.
"A figure like Steve Prefontaine will forever be revered in the America because of his fearlessness and commitment to going for gold no matter what, even if that meant falling out of the medals. After all, championship races are about place, so when sixth gets you the same result as going for third and fading back to tenth, what’s the difference?"
dissapointed wrote:
I've never been too impressed with the guy (drew, I mean) though from when I've met him. Seems to create good workouts, good program, but kind of a creep inter-personally. I'm always suspect of somebody who seems to "specialize" in female athletes, if you know what I mean...
You're suspect of someone because of the possibility that they are a heterosexual male that likes females?
A Duck wrote: There are some cool NFL players out there. They get it. They just ignore it.
So the best way for athletes to deal with criticism from random people is just to ignore it. Makes sense. I'm with you so far.
A friend of mine mildly as mild could be criticized Symmonds in a tweet last year, it was like a two words criticism -- and Symmonds blocked him! For all Symmonds tough talk and posturing, that was a pretty lame p*ssy move.
So a random person criticized Symmonds, and Symmonds responded by... ignoring the person, and blocking them so he could continue ignoring them. Isn't that exactly the approach you recommend?
dissapointed wrote:
Drew should know better. He isn't an athlete, he is a coach. Everything people said earlier about how the athletes should rise above and ignore the criticism applies doubly to a coach.
I've never been too impressed with the guy (drew, I mean) though from when I've met him. Seems to create good workouts, good program, but kind of a creep inter-personally. I'm always suspect of somebody who seems to "specialize" in female athletes, if you know what I mean...
I think your statements about Drew are a little far out there. While I haven't found him to be the most stand-up guy in the sport, I don't think he's a creep out to chase tail from his athletes. That seems a bit out of line.
Additionally, I don't think he was wrong to call out Kevin (his former athlete, no?) and for trying to do some damage control. It's not a coaches favorite thing to have a mid-15's bench warmer bringing negative attention to his obsessed-with alma mater.
Looks like bald douchebag recovering from leukemia
Worddddd wrote:
Didn't he work for Flotrack?
Yes. Except Flotrack would make a Russian tszar proud and relies on slave, labor (interns). He headed their european coverage last year. Each year they get a kid to slum around Europe. Liao was their man.
Kind of surprising as he just doesn't pucker his lips and high five the athletes like ftrack.
This is correct !
This Kevin guy is Drew's former athlete? Didn't realize that. Makes it a little more normal for him to get himself involved I guess.And I was referring to Drew's habit of giving assistant coaching jobs to former athletes who are willing to spend significant amounts of time along with him at this house. What happens during that time I cannot say, could be perfectly innocent I suppose. I could be 100% wrong in my assumptions about what is going on there.
whirledpeas wrote:
he's got the chops to criticize huddle. he's ran 16:08, so you better recognize.
I'm pretty sure Kevin ran in the low 15s early in college before getting injured.
I don't know this Liao guy, but it's certainly ironic to read most people ripping on him for expressing his opinion when this message board is all about people sharing their opinions about pros and their latest (anonymously, of course). At least this guy puts his name next to his opinion.
buy a vowel wrote:
I don't know this Liao guy, but it's certainly ironic to read most people ripping on him for expressing his opinion when this message board is all about people sharing their opinions about pros and their latest (anonymously, of course). At least this guy puts his name next to his opinion.
Half of the chumps here don't even have the gonads to use the same FAKE name consistently.
Shannon had a classy response. The other 3, Smith Bideau and Cragg, are tools. Maybe if this sport wasn't so attention starved the pro athletes would be more media savvy. The narcissists do realize they're performing for our entertainment right??? We foot the bill. We buy the nike shoes. Because if it wasn't for us, this tiny community of fans, they'd be out running races in the middle of a forest with only the deer and birds watching and eating dirt for breakfast, which it's pretty close to already anyway. All athletes in the big sports get it. I mean look at Joakim Noah's reaction when the crazy chick was screaming in his face during the Miami. Ain't no thing. Just another day at the office. Bring it on. I'll go and collect my million dollar wages.
whirledpeas wrote:
he's got the chops to criticize huddle. he's ran 16:08, so you better recognize.
ucrunner09 wrote:
I'm pretty sure Kevin ran in the low 15s early in college before getting injured.
No one cares, Kevin.
hahaha i love how much hate on kevin is going on! yes let the hate flow through you!!
But in all seriousness I hate him too he is a little POS :) I hope he cries at night from these posts please keep this going
From the post tweet response at his "Spikeduppsychedup" page Kevin says: "...The unpredictable nature of championship races meant she had a prayer at a medal, however minuscule those odds were, but only if she put herself in contention.". So let's break this down... The unpredictable nature of Championship races (which means that sometimes, no, most of the time, it doesn't fall in your favor)...meant she had a prayer (obviously not much to lean on) ... But only if she put herself in contention (where to start...this isn't the ONLY option.)!
Molly Huddle likely didn't run her AR on a sporadic pace with surges and tactics. Admittedly, I don't have the splits from that race, but I suspect she set her AR in a time-trial format where her laps were consistently run from lap to lap. 70 second laps equates to roughly a 14:28 5k if run consistently from start to finish. To jump down to 68.5 for a lap is not reasonable for her considering she would need some huge recovery laps which she was not going to get that late in the race. In my opinion, while Kevin is certainly entitled to his, Molly WAS in contention (and that WAS her prayer, with miniscule odds, for a medal) UNTIL the surge was thrown in. Does anyone see this differently?
I believe that fans should have a variety of opinions and we should honor people commenting as long as it is not discriminatory.
Many here believe that the African competitors ran into a trap with Mo in the 5 AND 10K because of allowing a kickers' race. If those competitors showed up here and complained about that as criticism, stating that we are basicly ignorant because we have not run at that level it would be disrespectful to US as FANS. Grow thicker skin and be grateful people are passionate about what you do. As for Symmonds blocking someone for criticising him, you cannot pimp for attention and then slice the attention into only supporters. If you want to be liked by all, don't try to change things and give the Bull Durham speech "I'm just taking it one day at a time and Lord willing ..." You know? Boring and forgotten but NICE.
As a fan, I want bigger personalities, rivalries and controversy (not drug-related). I want sprinters calling out other sprinters to race and then showing up. Heck throwers could get in on the game. I want loyal fans of Rudisha telling Symmonds' fans how he is gonna bury Nick when they race again. Loyalty to teams (individuals in track) enriches the sport, makes it interesting and MARKETABLE. Professional athletes should have thick skin. The right response from Shannon should have been
"You know what? You're right. I should ahve gone. Thank you for your loyaslty as a fan. Gotta go now because I gotta get to the track to train and prepare for the next race where I am going to go for it. Watch me." I would buy a poster of that: "Watch what I do next!"
You gain fans that way and it grows the sport. Petty squabbling equals going nowhere.
i'll take vanna white for $100 wrote:
The narcissists do realize they're performing for our entertainment right???
No, they're not. They're running a race.
If you want entertainment, go to Cirque du Soleil.
Hey Kevin, keep commenting about yourself in third person. That's really really great! Bravo
get rish wrote:
whirledpeas wrote:he's got the chops to criticize huddle. he's ran 16:08, so you better recognize. wrote:
I'm pretty sure Kevin ran in the low 15s early in college before getting injured.
No one cares, Kevin.
Nope, my name is David.