sp!kes wrote:
luked wrote:it's pretty obvious Robles fouled Xiang. he grabbed his arm for ****s sake! it's pretty clear when you watch the front angle, he completely takes Xiang out of rythym.
Robles robbed Xiang of gold. Robles is such a bitch.
Agree 100%!
Are you people who claim it was an accident drunk? or blind? It was a BS move by a BS competitor. totally intentional.
Oh, boy. Let me guess: more opinions from people who've never run a high hurdles race...
Robles DID take Liu completely out of rhythm--no question there--and killed Liu's momentum over H10. He DID rob Liu of gold. Absolutely correct.
But to say he did it intentionally--look at Robles between H9 and H10. He's practically staggering, and was almost as lucky as Liu to clear the 10th barrier. The collisions threw Robles off, too (his relatively slow time confirms this), just not as much.
An earlier poster talked about hurdlers' keeping their arms closer to their bodies. Nope--to balance the rotary momentum of the (much more massive) trail leg, the arm on that side of the body has to sweep through about as wide an arc as possible. Otherwise residual rotation will twist the torso and reduce forward propulsion. [For those who are curious, Tom Ecker has elucidated this point in a nice, clearcut way in various articles and books.] The arm on Liu's and Robles's left side: yeah, that should be more straight forward-and-back.