Hopefully fast. I still can't believe most think she was actually doping. Just ridiculous that she wasn't entirely cleared or given a few month suspension. Other American sprinters and 800m stars all got cleared for contaminated substances. She wasn't taking nandronolone! She's not retarded! Should have been cleared and they wanted to make example out of a certain type of American athlete.
Prayers to you Shelby for enduring this unimaginable tragedy!
Hopefully fast. I still can't believe most think she was actually doping. Just ridiculous that she wasn't entirely cleared or given a few month suspension. Other American sprinters and 800m stars all got cleared for contaminated substances. She wasn't taking nandronolone! She's not retarded! Should have been cleared and they wanted to make example out of a certain type of American athlete.
Prayers to you Shelby for enduring this unimaginable tragedy!
I believe she did use PEDs on purpose. I don’t know if she still is micro dosing or using any suspect supplements. But I do believe she will continue to benefit from her body’s experience of having run that fast while cheating.
Hopefully fast. I still can't believe most think she was actually doping. Just ridiculous that she wasn't entirely cleared or given a few month suspension. Other American sprinters and 800m stars all got cleared for contaminated substances. She wasn't taking nandronolone! She's not retarded! Should have been cleared and they wanted to make example out of a certain type of American athlete.
Prayers to you Shelby for enduring this unimaginable tragedy!
"Should have been cleared" based on what? On the burrito joke? Or that she is "not retarded"?
Should have been cleared just like Ajee Wilson was cleared of her zeranol postive test. The amount was so miniscule and no evidence she took nandronole regularly. Also nandronolone would not be an appropriate doping agent anyway, so she wouldn't have been taking it. There is no way she was taking nadrolone, so the positive test was the result of contamination, just like Ajee Wilson and many others who were cleared. You people who think Shelby purposely took nandronolone are off your rocker.