Condolences. Way too young. I can only imagine how horrible this is for his family and friends.
For people who are insinuating that the risk isn't worth it, and blame people who are doing stuff like that, I can only ask, then how should we live our lives? What is too risky?
What about cycling? On the roads? Mountain biking?
What about swimming and surfing in the ocean?
Trail running in cougar country?
Driving on two lane roads out in the country at night?
Walking from clubs to pubs in big cities?
Going hunting with grandpa and your cousins?
Riding in the back of a pick-up truck?
Whitewater rafting?
Cutting your own firewood with a chainsaw? Splitting wood with a maul and axe?
Rock climbing?
Mountain climbing?
Camping solo in the back-country?
Drinking beer?
Scuba diving?
Flying internationally?
Traveling to remote countries?
Exploring caves?
Running all-out intervals at age 50? Heat attacks?
I have done all of those things and they all might have killed me. If I avoided all of them, what kind of person would I be?
Thoughts out to this kid's friends and family.. Had a whole life in front of him. Definitely not fair. Friends and family, reach out to someone if you need help.
Had closer run ins with injury and death through running than I ever have with skiing.
Aside from that, you're right. It's the flat bottom of the hill end of day slow trail that nailed my meniscus. Moral of story -- don't go slow.
Same with me. I got my worst cross country skiing injury this year at 85 after I had climbed Prospect Mountain and was in a leisurely patch on top. Serious concussion is terrifying. And in a trail race running, I almost died going down hill slowly on Greylock in the Berkshires when I hit a rock and severed my temporal artery. Two nurses happened to be in the group behind me and saved my life.
This is an awful story, condolences to friends family and teammates.
not every tragic accident means that a system needs changing. neglegence should always be avoided but it doesn’t look like anyone did anything wrong here, it was just a terrible accident.
life is meant to be lived so go skiing, hit that black diamond, race hard, try new things. There’s always risk in all things but that’s the trade off.
Poor kid and condolences to his family and friends.
As a skier myself I'm curious about what happened. Looking at videos of the run there aren't really embankments that you can fall off on the side, but it its fairly steep so my guess is he was going full speed without turning, lost control at the bottom or maybe had to avoid a downhill skier, threw off his timing and went straight at the bottom. Not sure what the terrain is like at the bottom of the run but there could be a cliff there.
Skiing is fun - heavenly, thrill seeking but far more in control that say base jumping. Most people ski in control but there are always accidents. I love the freedom of exploration and testing myself.
And yes no dogs or cars on the mountain so I'm not nearly fearing for my life either as much as on a run.
The amount of removed posts on the first page is disturbing. Thank god the mods made it so only registered people can post cause I was gonna suggest it.
Poor kid and condolences to his family and friends.
As a skier myself I'm curious about what happened. Looking at videos of the run there aren't really embankments that you can fall off on the side, but it its fairly steep so my guess is he was going full speed without turning, lost control at the bottom or maybe had to avoid a downhill skier, threw off his timing and went straight at the bottom. Not sure what the terrain is like at the bottom of the run but there could be a cliff there.
I watched the video (from three years ago), looked at the map, and the Cutter Trail (42) didn't look like Black Diamond to me. The video could be deceiving since runs take on their own character over the course of the season and can be different from year to year. With the brutal cold it could be very icy. Obviously those trees make the difference.
Always makes me think of losing one’s child. No way to cope with that kind of loss. Try to Live responsibly with no fear, no doubt and no guilt. Guided by Truth, Humility and Equanimity. 🙏
It is very sad, this kid was just going out to have some fun, and it ended in tragedy. Everyday, we walk a fine line. Everyday could be it, way too soon, I'm sad for his loss and the loss for all his family and friends. You never know when see ya later is the last time, keep those close, close and hold them with love.