The sport needs this and I would like to see it succeed.
This is poised to be a race for ATHLETES that actually give a f**k about performance - not scenery, vibes, content, or chasing the clout of running six far flung marathon races at a four hour pace. A race that isn’t usurped by narcissistic influencers and their e-bike riding camera crews. An event without stupid gimmicks like live music, people going for costume records, cheerleading teams, and cartoon characters. A flat and fast course with good weather unconcerned about local landmarks and tourist traps. A place where dedicated amateurs get treated like real athletes. As elitist as it sounds, we really need a race focused on athletic excellence, not another bucket list item, ego trip, or inspirational story vehicle.
Don’t like boring courses? Don’t enter! Too slow to make the cut? Train harder! Too old to be fast? Life isn’t fair.
Best of luck to Rosario on this endeavor.