I hope they never change it at all but if they do I hope it’s renamed “ grass track”
not really
I hope they never change it at all but if they do I hope it’s renamed “ grass track”
not really
Maybe research the names first. Now off to spikeshoeing practice.
Call it East Bound and Down
Call is Basefootball Running where instead of running over timing mats, they have to step on bases and rather than just simply making it to the finish line first, the runner has to kick a ball at the finish line through some uprights to actually win. Then make the post season 3x longer then the regular season.
Since it was the "Original" way to run.
Original Running or Historic Racing or Natural Running
The story of Man vs Nature.
But XC and Cross Country are still the best. We shouldn't need to change because of ignorant people, make them smarter.
OP is right it should be renamed.
What about "male thigh exposure"
Cross Country Club
World Masters Athletics uses the very non-descriptive "Non-Stadia" for running events not in a track stadium.
cycling has alreadt renamed it 'gravel'.
When I first started hearing about cross country, maybe in 7th grade, I did indeed think that it had to do with running across the country. People traveled for soccer, basketball... maybe cross country people traveled by bus out of state and then spent the weekend running across a portion of that state? I still had this idea vaguely in my head when I signed up for XC.
Disordered Eating Derby
1) you are starting with an unproven premise - that people don't know what cross country means...
2) so what? I think the people who run cross country know what it means so why do I care if people who don't run, don't know what it means? Does this cause them to not watch or be interested because they can't figure out the name? No
3) you seem to be looking to solve a problem that doesn't exist. All this does is make the sport we all know become some new term we all don't know. Forget about it.
Little Di*ks and Skinny Chicks
I find it hard to believe that you haven't met someone that doesn't know what cross country means when talking to people not in the sport. "Hey I'm on the Cross Country team" then it's "What is that?" Then you have to describe the sport. I'm not saying it's everyone but it does happen and that doesn't happen if you are on the basketball or football (in the US) or soccer or baseball, swimming, volleyball, etc. teams.
Makes sense.
Like Al Sal would say, "to be honest" when I heard the term cross country, I think of running through tortuous fields with hills, downhills, dirt path, jumping a a few logs, crossing a stream like a small creek and crap like that. I believe that's how it was done when Paavo Nurmi was the king of athletics. What we have now is essentially a bunch of guys running hard on a golf course with an occasional pond of accumulated mud if it rained.
Off-Road Running?
Call it "Footfall", and hope people misread it
You must really love “athletics”