Spot on
Spot on
Love this spin, thanks for sharing. San Diego is such a beautiful place especially for running. I'll try to check this out next time I'm there for work, so far my hill to die on there is the climb up the back of north fortuna in mission trails. First did it this March, started in the dark and it was extremely foggy, with the smell of sage overwhelming. A couple mins after making it to the top, the fog started to blow off and the views were incredible.
If you run 9 miles one week and 42 the next week, you will be injured two weeks later.
If it's an easy training run, it literally does not matter at all how fast or slow you run. In fact, most cross training would probably work just fine instead.
The goal of these easy training workouts is extra aerobic work or circulation for recovery. The muscular/skeletal adaptions from actual running comes mostly from your longer or harder workouts, and similar additional stress in the easier workouts not only isn't necessary but also needlessly interferes with your overall recovery.
Could 45 second hill sprints get me from 17:30 to 17:00? I don't do hill workouts of any kind.