I'm still holding out on using a GPS watch (or Strava).
Some background:
I've been running for the past 25 years. I only just started tracking my training last year though. I know I'm obsessive, so I haven't historically wanted to record and track my running. I regret it now though somewhat, as I'm clearly only getting slower with age, and I'd love to have had a record beyond race times of what type of shape I was in, what mileage I once was doing, and what my workouts looked like.
Anyway, now I record using an online map - used to use gmap pedometer, but that seems to no longer work.
1) it seems fairly accurate - maybe more so than a watch?
2) I really enjoy looking up and planning out routes - especially in nee locations.
3) they have an elevation feature
1)If I'm running somewhere new or different, I'll hesitate to go in an unplanned direction if I'm concerned I can't map it accurately once I'm home. Means missing out on going down some cool trails that I might just happen upon.
2) I know it's more of a time suck
3) They don't have a satellite feature - well it no longer works. So I wind up using this map along with Google Maps in planning routes. For some runs, I will also sometimes set a pin in Google Maps at a location I turn around at when I'm running, which then let's me more accurately have the long/lat to input into the On The Go map. Yeah, a big time suck!
Anyone else doing this not old school, not new school approach?