A provocative title I know. But fit and healthy are not always synonymous with each other. In fact growing evidence is showing that as an individual strives for greater levels of fitness, with the training that goes with it, fitness and health develop an increasingly tenuous link. This is especially so when you use the World Health Organisation’s definition of health.
Take this recent Facebook post. I remember reading about both of these guys in the eighties. At that time they would have been viewed as paragons of health. Time, and an increasing understanding shows that they, and many others who have done too much, too hard, for too long, have probably done more harm than good.
I still can’t believe that both Dave Scott and Scott Tinley had open heart surgery this past week...both of them...one a 6-time winner and the other a 2-time winner of the Ironman Triathlon World Championship in Hawaii. Hard to believe. I was Dave Scott’s agent for many years and when I worked for Saucony I recruited Scott Tinley to join our triathlon team and I became close friends with both of them. To think I had open heart surgery myself 5 years ago and now these to good friends are going through the same ordeal...what are the chances?? I realized when I was diagnosed with severe coronary disease that “just because you’re fit doesn’t mean you are healthy.” I always thought it did. And, so many other dear friends who are fit endurance athletes have recently had open heart surgery, too. What’s going on here???? Wishing and praying for Dave and Scott to recover quickly and become healthy again as I am sure they will always be fit.”