funny enough, I mostly shop at Trader Joe's/Whole Foods because they're actually the cheapest grocery stores in my area (compared to ripoff bodegas, D'Agostinos, Gristedes, Fairway, etc.)
The complaint about not being able to have a car is pretty silly. Majority of NYC residents don't own a car. Part of why I live here is because I don't need one. Yes, my rent is insanely high for the square footage I get, but it's somewhat offset by having no car payment, insurance, gas, tolls, etc, which come to high hundreds if not low thousands for many suburbanites.
The subway can be annoying, but it's efficient on weekdays, and has been much less crowded during rush hour since the pandemic. I rarely take it anyways, since I get to run commute or citi bike (plentiful bikes and docks, super fun way to get around the city for $200/year) through Central Park. Sure beats sitting in rush hour traffic looking at strip mall architecture every day. Phenomenal way to build Z1 volume too, suburbanites are really missing out.