This past week weekend, Portland State (now led by the inestimable jmarpdx) "competed" at the Oak Knoll Loop Run against the likes of Portland U's B squad and a slew of NAIA/D3/community colleges. Where do you suppose the Viks finished against such stout competition?
Second to last.
Technically, they scored the same as last place but were saved from that honor by the NCAA's head-to-head tiebreaker rules.
Their average? 30:12 for 8K! And this is no Yale HYP situation either. Vig ran his 800 guys; Jon Marcus ran his A squad. 14:4X guys going for a 6:11/mi run hardly counts as a tempo effort much less a race.
Among this squad was also a sprinter/jumper who ran 37 minutes for DFL. The poor soul was surely dragged into this purely for roster requirements.
Quite the auspicious beginning to Jonathan Marcus' return to college coaching, no?