Watching Sherika Jackson visibly frustrated after running #4 time in history is insane. The pursuit of Flo Jo’s doped up record is making Jackson better than she would have been otherwise!
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Imo she probablyyyy doesn’t have what it takes THIS season. She will likely keep getting close (21.37-21.5s) until next year and then she may get it then.
What on earth was the pacer thinking in that 800, cutting outside and impeding multiple runners instead of stepping off the track. Shouldn't get paid for that nonsense
Jakob looked like he could have gone faster for some reason. Why does this guy look like he wasn’t even trying at the end bro just keeps a straight face???
Jakob looked like he could have gone faster for some reason. Why does this guy look like he wasn’t even trying at the end bro just keeps a straight face???
Because he's a machine, gritting is for hobby joggers