Money grab? Or earning his living based on the talents he's got?
If you had his talent, are you saying you'd live in penury and race in a club vest whilst being one of the most recognised and successful athletes of all time? Get real.
He's made some bad choices, and perhaps his marketing advisors get it wrong from time to time, but who are we to begrudge someone earning their fortune through their talents?
Bad choices would be closely associating with Jama Aden, then lying about it. Bad choices would be fighting elderly pensioners in the park. Bad choices would be rolling around on a huge treadmill the day before London. Bad choices would be marrying a toxic woman.
Always Valencia in December. Doubtful he shows up there as they'll not coddle to his antics antics and unrealistic appearance fee request. If he does, 25% upon start, 25% upon finish, 25% top five, 25% sub 207
Except KB actually still runs super fast. MO ran 27:50 10k last year and missed Olympic standard by 22 seconds...
Not really. His last race was 2:12 in NYC. Basically elite American level, who are all second class on the world stage (except maybe Rupp, but he's close to done).
At this rate he should just call it quits and retire from active athletics!!! He's becoming another K.B.
No, the longer he continues to compete, the more chance there is a chance of him getting popped like Lucazade Linford.
Well we seen what he runs clean. 2750 10k lol. He's just in it for the money, milking his past for appearance fees for a couple more years. He probably got an injury pay for British Athletics which actually helps string along his pro career a bit longer because if he had to perform it would likely be badly and he'd be cut off from appearance fees entirely.