Thank GOD for Alan Abrahamson.
If a big Kenyan or Ethiopian star got popped and said their nandrolone positive was due to a burrito from a food truck in Iten or Addis Ababa, what would Gault and Cronies do? What if they were a Salazar athlete?
Would they search high and low for every possible skerrick of evidence that can remotely be construed to be in the athlete’s favour?
Would they indignantly gluing this evidence together, like a poorly constructed early Nike Waffle shoe, and disseminate it to the Kool-Aid slurping LRC Faithful?
Would they point to the fruits of their craft, pleading with them that Santa Claus is in fact still real, and even if he was a myth, he’d never use such an old school steroid like nandrolone in the 1500m?
No: they’d create a black home page, sharpen their little pencils, and proceed to write exactly the same b$tch-ass prose AGAINST this athlete.
LRC is a bloody superb website, which I visit almost every single day. It’s only downfall is the sycophantic tendency of its owners and their little mate Gault when it comes to refusing to see things that don’t fit their world view.
The truth is there guys, hiding in plain sight. All you need to do to see it is jump on a meditation mat, play some soothing classical music, and at the exact moment your consciousness reaches a state of true Jhana, flip out of copy of Shelby’s test results. Read them, read them carefully. Then, and only then, will the world finally
make sense to you.
Otherwise keep up the great work guys, what a great site!