Tims nice but dim wrote:
rojo wrote:
The more I think about this. The Shelby case in some ways is going to be the George Floyd equivalent for track and field. Yes,there were lots of police brutality cases but that one pushed it over the top.
How many times do we have to cases like Ajee, Jarrion, Shelby, etc. before change is made. Even if you think Shelby dirty, we can't continue with this system. It must change.
We can't keep having stars test positive and then sometimes they get off, sometimes they don't.
What the eff?
An appalling assessment.
Some stars have reasonable explanations and proof for how small amounts of a banned substance may have inadvertently ended up in their system (Ajee, Brenda). Others have explanations that just strain credulity (Bauman, Holihan).
The process is designed to distinguish between athletes that intentionally dope and those that don't. It seems to be working the way it is supposed to work.