smhcourtney wrote:
rojo wrote:
The more I think about this. The Shelby case in some ways is going to be the George Floyd equivalent for track and field. Yes,there were lots of police brutality cases but that one pushed it over the top.
How many times do we have to cases like Ajee, Jarrion, Shelby, etc. before change is made. Even if you think Shelby dirty, we can't continue with this system. It must change.
We can't keep having stars test positive and then sometimes they get off, sometimes they don't.
THIS COMPARISON IS RIDICULOUS AND OFFENSIVE. Thanks God I screenshot it before you delete the thread. Gonna send to Outsider mag for their follow up on their article of how toxic Letsrun is. Can Letsrun really change? Not when ignorant privileged white dudes are running the site.
Are you drunk already Rojo? Cant believe you actually clicked POST.
Please follow through.
He deserves everything he gets for this disgusting comment and ridiculous comparison.