Posted on his snapchat story yesterday in 2021 Adidas kit
LRC update. Here is our story on the matter.
Posted on his snapchat story yesterday in 2021 Adidas kit
LRC update. Here is our story on the matter.
uh isn’t NAU sponsored by adidas
I heard he will be going pro with adidas not with NAU.
Hobbsgoingpro wrote:
I heard he will be going pro with adidas not with NAU.
Heard from where?
I am not gonna give away my source but I was told that he will be running for Adidas but will be going to NAU for School. IF you have seen in all of the recent videos he has only worn Adidas footwear. Even the exclusive new spikes which NAU would not give him before he got there.
Let's hope Adidas doesn't end up with another Drew Hunter. Hope this HS superstar works out.
Hobbsgoingpro wrote:
I am not gonna give away my source but I was told that he will be running for Adidas but will be going to NAU for School. IF you have seen in all of the recent videos he has only worn Adidas footwear. Even the exclusive new spikes which NAU would not give him before he got there.
I mean probably just getting used to his future schools brand now
You guys really need to get a life. Why would Kessler become a pro runner? What a sad life that would be. Kessler wants to go to college, be part of a team, get a degree and then find a career. Maybe he'd like to be a teacher, like his mother. Maybe he'd like to be an engineer. Northern Arizona is going to pay him well. He's not going to go pro.
Fat Boy wrote:
You guys really need to get a life. Why would Kessler become a pro runner? What a sad life that would be. Kessler wants to go to college, be part of a team, get a degree and then find a career. Maybe he'd like to be a teacher, like his mother. Maybe he'd like to be an engineer. Northern Arizona is going to pay him well. He's not going to go pro.
Can't wait to quote this post when he goes pro.
He should go pro but doesn't sound likely.
Would've been really fun to see him compete in college. Too bad! But hard to keep a guy who's already run faster than the NCAA in-season record before even getting to college, and at 18 as well, not one of these foreign or Mormon over-aged runners.
forcerunner wrote:
Fat Boy wrote:
You guys really need to get a life. Why would Kessler become a pro runner? What a sad life that would be. Kessler wants to go to college, be part of a team, get a degree and then find a career. Maybe he'd like to be a teacher, like his mother. Maybe he'd like to be an engineer. Northern Arizona is going to pay him well. He's not going to go pro.
Can't wait to quote this post when he goes pro.
Hes not going to become an engineer at NAU. Teacher maybe, but I wouldnt trust any public university education program these days with their social wokeness indoctrination.
Having that college team experience would be fun for a kid that cant see beyond especially on a team like NAU. That doesnt mean he shouldn't reassess each year. I wonder what his current coach is advising?
RichardRider wrote:
forcerunner wrote:
Can't wait to quote this post when he goes pro.
Hes not going to become an engineer at NAU. Teacher maybe, but I wouldnt trust any public university education program these days with their social wokeness indoctrination.
I know, right? We should only trust the universities that keep alive the old time traditions of bondage, share cropping, segregation, lynching, sedition and treason against the US of A.
Hobbsgoingpro wrote:
I am not gonna give away my source but I was told that he will be running for Adidas but will be going to NAU for School. IF you have seen in all of the recent videos he has only worn Adidas footwear. Even the exclusive new spikes which NAU would not give him before he got there.
I did think it was strange the Hobbs was wearing the adidas, which other commenters are claiming are an exclusive access shoe. Did grijalva wear them the other week?
The "getting used to them for NAU" theory....I'm not buying that. This Olympic trials may be his most important race until the 2024 trials. He would not be use the trials to "get used adidas" for his freshman XC season at NAU.
I agree...he must be signing....
from the craddle wrote:
Let's hope Adidas doesn't end up with another Drew Hunter. Hope this HS superstar works out.
I’m anticipating that he’ll continue to train with Very Nice Track Club. So he can get the guidance from veteran Willis, his coach, and Mason. He won’t be joining a club filled with non sponsored athletes.
jefferson beauregard wrote:
RichardRider wrote:
Hes not going to become an engineer at NAU. Teacher maybe, but I wouldnt trust any public university education program these days with their social wokeness indoctrination.
I know, right? We should only trust the universities that keep alive the old time traditions of bondage, share cropping, segregation, lynching, sedition and treason against the US of A.
Maybe so since governors like Kate Brown of Oregon want no standards for graduation from public high schools bringing the bottom feeder state to the top with 100% graduation. The bar is ready as low as it can get there with abhorent attendance and reliance on goverment handouts.
Sounds like you are already a koolaid drinking slave product of the system. Congrats to you and the Peoples Republic of USA for your submission and future bondage from independence and self reliance. Just stay in your basement a little longer and you will get more of what you want.
It is interesting though with the recent supreme court is possible that he could compete collegiately as early as July of this year and still get paid....will have to wait and see on the specific rules though
He was wearing Dragonfly in that recent Youtube training video...
Adidas flats, but definitely Dragonfly on the track at the end.
Dudes, Mason Ferlic isn't even sponsored yet.
#Fake News
I understand that Tracksmith enjoys acting like they are a big player but that is not a sponsor and it is totally fake news. Tracksmith hired Mary Cain and Nick Willis but NO ONE else receives a stipend.