Probably because NXN and footlocker are actually cross country courses. Times in XC mean nothing.
Probably because NXN and footlocker are actually cross country courses. Times in XC mean nothing.
footballer wrote:
High school championships are happening. Many states held indoor volleyball championships and even indoor football championships in domes. National HS cross country meets are taking place. Major college conferences held conference XC meets. NCAA football is holding games and plans to hold a playoff. How could XC not take place?
Because there are more cases than when everything was cancelled in the spring and increasing at a much faster pace. You are delirious if you think xc or indoor track is actually going to happen.
Indoor Track will not happen at the rate things are going and it shouldn't. I love track and hope it does but makes no sense at this point. If they do have a season meets will be limited with conferences hosting pod meets with only 3-4 teams being able to compete and major restrictions being in place! If you really think we will have a normal indoor track season with meets that have 20 teams and 300 athletes competing you are on crack and in denial. It makes no difference if you agree with it is what's going to happen.
Biden will be president. We will have indoor track. We will have a vaccine. Things will look good.
aztec the moron wrote:
indoor track should just be cancelled. Cross country only. Non-distance runners can wait until outdoor track.
This is beyond ridiculous. In 2020 the NCAA Indoor and Outdoor Championships were canceled. Cancel cross country. Only a small number of people compete in cross country compared to all the other events in the sport.
Also who is going to run cross country in the north in the middle of winter? Cancel cross. It is stupid to have a cross country Championships the same time as a track Championship.
footballer wrote:
High school championships are happening. Many states held indoor volleyball championships and even indoor football championships in domes. National HS cross country meets are taking place. Major college conferences held conference XC meets. NCAA football is holding games and plans to hold a playoff. How could XC not take place?
Only a handful of conferences ran XC. There are over 90 NCAA conferences. As for football only 8 are playing and over 50 games have been cancelled or postponed so far. Covid19 is as widespread today as it was in May. I literally today saw 2 patients enter the emergency room struggling with labored breathing and heavy coughing while I was in the waiting room for an accident. They were admitted with Covid19.