Usain Bolt, Tommie Smith, Sean Quigley and Delilah DiCrescenzo answer "What Does Fast Mean To You?"

Usain Bolt

Tommie Smith

FAST is having confidence in your best and belief in the quality of your production through hard work, but not without the need for often painful preparation.

As one of twelve children I had to be FAST just to stay ahead of my sister, Sally. She told me that if I ever beat her in a race she would beat me up. But when I finally did beat her, she gave me .25 cents. So you see, don't believe everything people say about you. Just do the right thing and be rewarded.

Don't think behind possibility; FAST is possible.

Dr Tommie Smith

1968 Gold Medalist

200m / 19.83 WR

Sean Quigley

Delilah DiCrescenzo